The problem

You are given an array of k linked lists lists, each linked list is sorted in ascending order.
Merge all the linked lists into one sorted linked list and return it.


Input: lists = [[1,4,5],[1,3,4],[2,6]]
Output: [1,1,2,3,4,4,5,6]
Explanation: The linked lists are:
merging them into one sorted list:
Input: lists = []
Output: []
Input: lists = [[]]
Output: []


  • k == lists.length
  • 0 <= k <= 10^4
  • 0 <= lists[i].length <= 500
  • -10^4 <= lists[i][j] <= 10^4
  • lists[i] is sorted in ascending order.
  • The sum of lists[i].length will not exceed 10^4.

Brute Force Solution

func mergeKLists(_ lists: [ListNode?]) -> ListNode? {
    var nodes: [Int] = []
    // Step 1
    for i in 0..<lists.count {
        var lst = lists[i]
        while lst != nil {
            lst = lst?.next
    // Step 2
    // Step 3
    var res = ListNode(0)
    var curr: ListNode? = res

    for node in nodes {
        curr?.next = ListNode(node)
        curr = curr?.next



We can solve this problem by separating it into three steps:

  1. Find all node values in the lists: This way, we can create an unsorted single list.
  2. Sort the created list: This allows us to form a sorted linked list.
  3. Create a sorted linked list from the sorted values.
Time/Space Complexity
  • Time complexity: O(n * m) where n is the length of lists and m is the length of the linked lists.
  • Space complexity: O(n).

Solution 2

func mergeKLists(_ lists: [ListNode?]) -> ListNode? {
    if lists.isEmpty {
        return nil

    var lists = lists

    while lists.count > 1 {
        var mergedLists: [ListNode?] = []

        for i in stride(from: 0, to: lists.count, by: 2) {
            var l1 = lists[i]
            var l2: ListNode?

            if i + 1 < lists.count {
                l2 = lists[i + 1]
            mergedLists.append(merge(l1, l2))

        lists = mergedLists

    return lists[0]

func merge(_ l1: ListNode?, _ l2: ListNode?) -> ListNode? {
    let dummyNode = ListNode()
    var l1 = l1
    var l2 = l2
    var tail: ListNode? = dummyNode

    while l1 != nil && l2 != nil {
        if l1!.val < l2!.val {
            tail?.next = l1
            l1 = l1!.next
        } else {
            tail?.next = l2
            l2 = l2!.next
        tail = tail?.next

    tail?.next = l1 ?? l2



We can solve this problem by dividing it into sub-problems:

  1. Find the first and second linked lists:
    • Iterate through lists.count until it equals 1, using stride with step = 2 to find the first and second portions of the linked lists.
  2. Merge them:
    • Use the merge function for linked lists, which is a common problem in itself.
Time/Space Complexity
  • Time complexity: O(n * log k)
  • Space complexity: O(k)
    Where k is the total number of lists, and n is the total number of nodes across k lists.

Thank you for reading! 😊