The Problem

Given the head of a linked list, remove the nth node from the end of the list and return its head.


Input: head = [1,2,3,4,5], n = 2
Output: [1,2,3,5]
Input: head = [1], n = 1
Output: []
Input: head = [1,2], n = 1
Output: [1]


  • The number of nodes in the list is sz.
  • 1 <= sz <= 30
  • 0 <= Node.val <= 100
  • 1 <= n <= sz

Brute Force Solution

func removeNthFromEnd(_ head: ListNode?, _ n: Int) -> ListNode? {
    var nodes: [ListNode] = []
    var curr = head

    while curr != nil {
        curr = curr!.next

    let removeIndex = nodes.count - n
    if removeIndex == 0 {
        return head?.next

    nodes[removeIndex - 1].next = nodes[removeIndex].next

    return head


One way to solve this problem is to use extra memory by iterating over all elements in head and storing them in an array. The brute force solution allows us to know the index of each element and delete the node.

Time/Space Complexity
  • Time complexity: O(n)
  • Space complexity: O(n)

Recursive Solution

func rec(_ head: ListNode?, _ n: inout Int) -> ListNode? {
    guard let head = head else {
        return nil
    } = rec(, &n)
    n -= 1

    if n == 0 {

    return head

func removeNthFromEnd(_ head: ListNode?, _ n: Int) -> ListNode? {
    var n = n
    return rec(head, &n)


If you take a closer look, the recursive solution is no different from the brute force solution and uses the same time and space complexity.

Time/Space Complexity
  • Time complexity: O(n)
  • Space complexity: O(n)

Two Pointers Solution

func removeNthFromEnd(_ head: ListNode?, _ n: Int) -> ListNode? {
    let dummyNode = ListNode(0, head)
    var n = n
    var curr = head
    var l: ListNode? = dummyNode
    var r: ListNode? = head

    while n > 0 && r != nil {
        r = r?.next
        n -= 1

    while r != nil {
        l = l?.next
        r = r?.next

    l?.next = l?.next?.next



We can solve this problem in a more memory-efficient way by using the two-pointers technique. We create an offset between the left and right pointers by looking at the nth node. The right pointer is shifted by n, while the left pointer starts from 0 and moves by 1. When the right pointer becomes nil, the left pointer will point to the node we need to delete.

For example, for the input [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and n = 2, at the start, the left pointer will be at 1, and the right pointer will be at 3. We keep shifting pointers until the right pointer reaches the end of the list. At this point, the left pointer will be at 4, and the right pointer will be nil.

Time/Space Complexity
  • Time complexity: O(n)
  • Space complexity: O(1)

Thank you for reading! 😊