Testing Xcode project using Github Actions

Introduction If you’re wondering how to test an Xcode project using GitHub Actions, here are a few steps: First, you need to create a .github/workflows folder with a CI.yml file inside your project directory. Next, you need to add configuration to the CI.yml file. name: CI on: push: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: macos-14 steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Set up Xcode version run: sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode_15.3.app/Contents/Developer - name: Install xcpretty run: gem install xcpretty - name: Test project run: xcodebuild -project /Users/runner/work/YourProjectName/YourProjectName/YourProjectName/YourProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme YourSchemeName -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,OS=17.4,name=iPhone 15 Pro' clean build test | xcpretty Caveats If you don’t specify the path to the Xcode project, you will receive an error like this: xcodebuild: error: ‘YourProjectName.xcodeproj' does not exist. ...

April 26, 2024 · 1 min · Dmytro Chumakov

Building Xcode project using Github Actions

Introduction If you’re wondering how to build an Xcode project using GitHub Actions, here are a few steps: First, you need to create a .github/workflows folder with a CI.yml file inside your project directory. Next, you need to add configuration to the CI.yml file. name: CI on: push: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: macos-14 steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Set up Xcode version run: sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode_15.3.app/Contents/Developer - name: Install xcpretty run: gem install xcpretty - name: Build project run: xcodebuild -project /Users/runner/work/YourProjectName/YourProjectName/YourProjectName/YourProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme YourSchemeName -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Pro' clean build | xcpretty Caveats If you don’t specify the path to the Xcode project, you will receive an error like this: xcodebuild: error: ‘YourProjectName.xcodeproj' does not exist. ...

April 23, 2024 · 1 min · Dmytro Chumakov

Delivering iOS app using Fastlane

Introduction You can easily deliver an iOS app in two ways: through beta and release lanes. The First Way - TestFlight By creating a beta lane inside the Fastfile. It utilizes: build_app: To easily build and sign your app (via gym). pilot: Makes it easier to manage your app on Apple’s TestFlight. lane :beta do build_app(scheme: "YourScheme") pilot end To run Fastlane: fastlane beta Attention Before proceeding, you need to have the ipa or pkg file generated. ...

April 19, 2024 · 1 min · Dmytro Chumakov

Archiving Xcode project using the CLI

Introduction When you are working on different projects sometimes you need to use different IDE’s. You need to find a way to archive a project in the fastest way. One of such ways is by using the xcodebuild archive command Basic outline of the process Open Terminal: Open the Terminal application on your Mac. Navigate to Project Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory containing your Xcode project. Run xcodebuild archive: Once you’re in the project directory, you can run xcodebuild archive with the appropriate parameters to build your project. Example: xcodebuild archive -scheme YourSchemeName -archivePath ~/Desktop/YourAppName.xcarchive Another way is by integrating fastlane into your workflow: Outline of the process Install Fastlane: If you haven’t already installed Fastlane, you can do so using RubyGems, which is the Ruby package manager: ...

April 16, 2024 · 2 min · Dmytro Chumakov

Testing Xcode project using the CLI

Introduction When you are working on different projects sometimes you need to use different IDE’s. You need to find a way to test a project in the fastest way. One of such ways is by using the xcodebuild command Basic outline of the process Open Terminal: Open the Terminal application on your Mac. Navigate to Project Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory containing your Xcode project. Run xcodebuild: Once you’re in the project directory, you can run xcodebuild with the appropriate parameters to build your project. Example: xcodebuild -project YourProject.xcodeproj -scheme YourSchemeName test Another way is by integrating fastlane into your workflow: Outline of the process Install Fastlane: If you haven’t already installed Fastlane, you can do so using RubyGems, which is the Ruby package manager: ...

April 12, 2024 · 2 min · Dmytro Chumakov