DSA - Binary Search Tree - Traverse - Preorder
What is tree traversal? Tree traversal, also known as “tree search” or “walking the tree,” is the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure exactly once. What is the BST preorder algorithm? The preorder algorithm returns a list of values in the order they are visited. It makes a copy that preserves the structure and recursively traverses the BST. Code example func preorder(_ visited: inout [Value]) -> [Value] { if self.val != nil { visited.append(self.val!) } if self.left != nil { self.left!.preorder(&visited) } if self.right != nil { self.right!.preorder(&visited) } return visited } Implementation The first step is to check if val exists. If it does, append val to the visited array. The second step is to check if the left node exists. If it does, recursively call the preorder method on the left node. The third step is similar to the second one but for the right node. Time/Space Complexity The time complexity of the preorder algorithm is O(N), where N is the total number of nodes. The space complexity: O(1) if no recursion stack space is considered. Otherwise, O(H), where H is the height of the tree. In the worst case, H can be the same as N (when the tree is skewed). In the best case, H can be the same as logN (when the tree is complete). Thank you for reading! 😊