Scanning for peripheral devices using BLE in an iOS app

Introduction I had the chance to work on a project where communication via BLE was at the heart of the project. Before adding any code to application, I always asked myself about two scenarios: The first scenario is when the device acts as a central device while searching for and connecting to peripheral devices. The second scenario is when the device acts as a peripheral device by using CBCharacteristic and changes its value. In this article, I will focus on the first scenario and will show how to scan for peripheral devices. ...

July 10, 2024 · 3 min · Dmytro Chumakov

Creating a 2D Space Game for iOS Using SpriteKit - Part 2

Introduction In the previous chapter, I started talking about the video game creation process, from project setup to adding the background. Now, I’m going to add the player and physics to it. You can download the project here. First Step The first step is to initialize player using SKSpriteNode, set up player.position, and add player as a child node. SKSpriteNode - is an onscreen graphical element that can be initialized from an image or a solid color. ...

July 3, 2024 · 3 min · Dmytro Chumakov

Creating a 2D Space Game for iOS Using SpriteKit - Part 1

Introduction I have never tried creating a game before; it feels like magic to me. I know that games have an enormous amount of underlying layers of abstractions and tools such as game engines, rendering, and so on. I have always been eager to learn at least 1% of the game creation process. In this article, I’m going to explore step-by-step instructions for creating a game for the iOS platform using SpriteKit. ...

June 28, 2024 · 2 min · Dmytro Chumakov

Combine practical usage examples

Introduction When working in a large codebase with a significant number of async events, I often found myself in situations where I couldn’t combine events effectively. This resulted in optimization problems and inefficient consumption of OS resources. The codebase contained closures and async/await, so it wasn’t possible to use operators like merge or combineLatest. After discovering this limitation, I decided to add new methods using Combine. I will be demonstrating this with a simple NetworkService responsible only for executing and validating requests using Combine. Let’s dive into the implementation. ...

June 22, 2024 · 2 min · Dmytro Chumakov

The Memento Pattern

What is a Memento Pattern? The Memento Pattern helps return an object to one of its previous states; for instance, if the user requests an “undo” operation. Source What problems does it solve? The Memento Pattern helps solve following problems: Undo/Redo Functionality: Memento allows you to capture an object’s state at a specific point in time and store it externally. This enables you to implement undo/redo functionality by restoring the object to its previous state. Checkpointing: In applications where users need to save progress or create checkpoints (such as in games or long processes), the Memento Pattern allows you to save the state of an object at various intervals so that users can return to those points later. Real-world code example // Memento: Represents the state of the TextEditor struct TextEditorMemento { let text: String } // Originator: Creates and stores states in Memento objects class TextEditor { private var text: String = "" func setText(_ text: String) { self.text = text } func getText() -> String { return text } func save() -> TextEditorMemento { return TextEditorMemento(text: text) } func restore(fromMemento memento: TextEditorMemento) { self.text = memento.text } } // Caretaker: Manages the mementos class TextEditorHistory { private var history: [TextEditorMemento] = [] private let editor: TextEditor init(editor: TextEditor) { self.editor = editor } func save() { let snapshot = history.append(snapshot) } func undo() { guard let lastSnapshot = history.popLast() else { print("Nothing to undo.") return } editor.restore(fromMemento: lastSnapshot) } func printHistory() { print("Text Editor History:") for (index, snapshot) in history.enumerated() { print("Step \(index + 1): \(snapshot.text)") } print("Current text: \(editor.getText())") } } // Example usage let textEditor = TextEditor() let history = TextEditorHistory(editor: textEditor) textEditor.setText("Hello, World!") textEditor.setText("This is a Swift example.") textEditor.setText("Using Memento Pattern.") history.printHistory() history.undo() print("After Undo:") history.printHistory() Thank you for reading! 😊

March 22, 2024 · 2 min · Dmytro Chumakov